Whatever function, service, job, expression or experience that you are doing or are apart of, you cannot be excellent at doing it. if it is not giving you liberation of your spirit, liberation of your mind, liberation of your soul, liberation to be you and liberation to express yourself. It is important for you to Read More
Posted in Mind, Body & Soul Tagged abuse, acknowledgment, alone, barren, being, beliefs, bruised, bullied, cautious, change, drained, emotional, empty, energy, experience, Expression, feelings, fight, forced, good, growth, hope, ideas, inspiration, knowledge, liberation, Life, mental, new, oppressive, past, people, positive, pressure, protective, revitalise, rise, rushed, scared, scars, sensitive, spirit, spiritual, support, supportive, thoughts, trapped, understanding, well-being, you Leave a comment -
Mental scars mean that you feel you have given more than you should have gained, you feel attacked and bruised for being you, for your thoughts or ideas or beliefs, you feel you have paid a price, or feel a sense of being forced out, or a sense of losing out. You feel the pressures Read More
Posted in Mind, Body & Soul Tagged abuse, acknowledgment, alone, barren, being, beliefs, bruised, bullied, cautious, change, drained, empty, energy, feelings, fight, forced, good, growth, hope, ideas, inspiration, knowledge, Life, mental, new, oppressive, past, people, positive, pressure, protective, revitalise, rise, rushed, scared, scars, sensitive, spirit, support, supportive, thoughts, trapped, understanding, you Leave a comment -
Look at your hands, look closely at your skin, examine it a moment, then ask yourself this question, ’Does it speak?’ Clearly skin does not speak. So why do other people try to speak for your skin? Your identity and how you identify yourself, or who or what you identify yourself as, is based Read More
Posted in Beauty & Health, Knowledge & Careers, Mind, Body & Soul, Technology & Science Tagged badly treated, biracial, black, categorising people, children, colonialism, colour, cultural, cultural identity, cultures, darker spectrum, discrimination, dna, economic migration, ethnic cleansing, experience, genocide, groups, identify, identity, identity politics, individuals, lighter spectrum, mixed, mixed race, multicultural, multiracial, parents, people, person, politics, propaganda, propaganda tool, race, racism, relationships, ridiculous simplification, separation, skin, social, society, stigma, strategic, unacceptable., white 1 Comment -
It struck me that some of the poorest people in societies all around the world, are paying for extremely overpriced branded items that really do not help or benefit them. The poorest are paying for branded items, purely based on an emotional response engineered and amplified by commercial industries, causing the poorest people to not Read More
Posted in Fashion, Knowledge & Careers Tagged acceptance, artificial, brand, brands, commercial, desirability factor, devastating, disposable income, emotional response, exploit, exploitation, exploiting, Fashion, human, income, industries, industry, knowledge, overpriced, people, poor, poorest, psychological, respect, self-confidence., self-worth, social, social acceptance, standards, suffering, suffering economically, suffering psychologically, values 1 Comment -
The term ‘Multiracial’ has a broader definition than its socially narrow application and recognition. When it comes to race, the terms ‘Black’ or ‘White’ or ‘Brown’ is a ridiculous ‘over simplification’ that certain groups, individuals and societies use as a propaganda tool, to separate and isolate peoples, by categorising people as part of their Read More
Posted in Knowledge & Careers, Media & Travel, Mind, Body & Soul, Technology & Science Tagged badly treated, biracial, black, categorising people, children, colonialism, colour, cultural, cultural identity, cultures, darker spectrum, discrimination, dna, economic migration, ethnic cleansing, experience, genocide, groups, identity, identity politics, individuals, lighter spectrum, mixed, mixed race, multicultural, multiracial, parents, people, person, politics, propaganda, propaganda tool, race, racism, relationships, ridiculous simplification, separation, skin, social, society, stigma, strategic, unacceptable., white 2 Comments