Tag | consequence
There are situations where your partner, or the person you are seeing, changes who they want to be and how they express themselves, right in front of your eyes. In such situations there are a series of questions that you need to ask yourself and you need to answer, as to whether your partner’s or Read More
Posted in Mind, Body & Soul Tagged consequence, dispar, emotionally, enlighten, enlightenment, equity, equivalent, Expression, financially, frusration, partner, physically, psychologically., reality, relationship, relationships, spiritually, truth Leave a comment -
If we create artificial intelligence or machines to do everything and to design everything, than eventually the commercial question will be, why do we need Man? Man is in danger of making itself so irrelevant that Man will become just a commodity and a resource by itself, ironically we could become like a surplus consumable Read More
Posted in Technology & Science Tagged artificial, artificial intelligence, commerce, commercial, consequence, human, humanity, intelligence, kind, man, mankind Leave a comment