Tag | helmet
Lewis Hamilton’s impact on Formula One is completely underestimated. His multiple history making victories in winning and equalling the most Formula One ‘Championships’ wins ever, is more than just an amazing achievement, there are more remarkable history making achievements that he has done, within the links at the bottom of this article. His success applies Read More
Posted in Sport, Games & Fitness Tagged 44, achievements, ambition, anti-racism, anti-racism groups, anti-racism movements, badly treated, biracial, black, black lives matter, brilliant, british, car, car 44, categorising people, champion, Championship, championships, children, colonialism, colour, cultural, cultural identity, cultures, darker, darker skin tone, darker spectrum, decency, denial, discrimination, dishonesty, dna, driver, economic migration, england, english, equitable, equitable opportunities, equity, ethnic cleansing, experience, focus, formula 1, formula one, genocide, gift, groups, hate, helmet, history, history making, hypocrisy, identity, identity politics, independent, independent report, individuals, inquiry, institutionalised racism, lawrence, Lewis Hamilton, lies, lighter skin tone, lives, misinformation, mixed race, multicultural, multiracial, negativity, obstacles, opportunities, opportunity, parents, philosophies, politics, propaganda, propaganda tool, protest groups, race, race track, racism, racist, racist institutions, racists, recorder breaker, recorder breaking, records, relationships, report, ridiculous simplification, rights, robbery, sir william macpherson, skin, social, social justice, society, sport, stephen, Stephen Lawrence, stigma, strategic, track, truth, tyres, uk, unacceptable., united kingdom, victories, white, work, world champion, world records Leave a comment