Whatever function, service, job, expression or experience that you are doing or are apart of, you cannot be excellent at doing it. if it is not giving you liberation of your spirit, liberation of your mind, liberation of your soul, liberation to be you and liberation to express yourself.
It is important for you to recognise if there are restrictive environments and structures that you are in or working within, and also it is important to express your understanding of these restrictive environments and structures. You must seek to replant yourself into non-restrictive environments and structures, for your own growth, liberation, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. You can do this outside of the restrictive environments and structures that you are working within, as a counter balance to your work. You can also completely change your work and move from restrictive environments and structures that you are working within.
Do not sit there, or wait, all or just hope that someone else is going to pick you up and plant you in a non-restrictive environments and structures, you must be the advocate for your own liberation, by picking yourself up and replanting yourself in the environment that gives you the spiritual, emotional and mental liberation, find your voice in order to find the success, to find the excellence that you can do and express.
It is a powerful thing to know that you can find a creative expression and put yourself in environments and structures, that do not restrict, reduce, radicalise, or try to remove your creative expression. Champion your own quality, excellence, and delivery by respecting the environment and structures in which your quality, excellence, and delivery needs to flourish.
Do not merely hope to change restrictive environments and structures, you have to take actions to plan and to change environments and structures.
One way or another, you must make that transition, by taking the steps necessary to move towards who you really are inside.