Sports adrenalin seekers come in many shapes and sizes, but few have crossed many different sporting disciplines like Tesa Herman.
The love of Alpine Skiing
Her love of physical sporting challenges lead her as a young child to take up Alpine Skiing.
When you ask Tesa why she started skiing, her response is quite remarkable, as it is clear this is a passion within her.
Tesa’s love of skiing started when she was 4 years old, because her brother started skiing and she always followed her older brother. When she started winning she changed, she fell in love with skiing and the lifestyle.
Like a true sports person, Tesa found that she had an innate competitive side. she naturally loved to test herself and go to her limit. This part of her physical and psychological makeup, she discovered through competition. So for Tesa the feeling of winning was like an embrace, a feeling of satisfaction and a fuel to feed her ambitions.
The buildup and start
The buildup to competing and the nervousness of waiting, being scared and anxious etc., is what Tesa really loves. What makes the buildup for Tesa exciting is the struggle she feels internally, in order for her to get over her doubts and fears. She loves the battle and need to control these feelings and emotions, to push through these barriers, so that she can perform without holding herself back, so that she truly and confidently can test her physical and mental skills against the challenges set, to the best of her abilities.
Once the start has happened, for Tesa all goes quite, calmer, she does not hear or see peripheral things, she is in her own world, and only reacting to each moment. This ability to be contained internally and fully focused within, is what separates achievement from effort. When she is focused and gives herself to this moment, for Tesa it is like nothing else. Tesa recognises that once she lets anything else into this state of mind, she always fails.
At the start of each performance Tesa instinctively knows whether she was going to be good or bad. This does not mean that she can control all the elements surrounding the challenge to her, but she knows that it is her responsibility to be ready internally for these elements, this preparation is solely on her shoulders.
If Tesa has not entered into her internal world, she cannot be the best, but if she is in this world, she can be the best and believes that she will be the best.
Everything then becomes a blank in terms of, time, actions and strategy etc., because it all blurs together, because she is just reacting and everything merges into one overall delivery.
When Tesa goes through the finish line, she feels she has you already won, because she has been in her internal world and she knows if her performance to herself is good or bad. If Tesa has not stayed in or been focused within her internal world, she immediately starts thinking and remembering what happened throughout the race, what she did wrong and this makes her feel upset.
Tesa as a child, never wanted to be second in anything, she had to learn that she could not always win. When she used to run, if she was in second place and knew she could not win, she would stop. Tesa would rather give up then be second place. So loosing is not something that Tesa tolerates (She really hates not winning). Later in life Tesa has learned, that for her, second or third is still good, but she has never warmly embraced this approach, but has learned to live with this concept.
Before Tesa is told that she has won, she feels that she has won, because she has been in her internal world and knows that she had a great performance. She remembers nothing about the technical race, but feels she the energy of winning, like having been in an outer body experience.
Tesa is surprisingly humble and an incredibly nice person, who is genuine and a good role model for everyone.
She makes me want to be a sports adrenaline seeker!