Ayurveda, or loosely translated “science of life”, is an ancient practice from India that aimed at making the human body work in harmony with nature, in order to promote health and balance. Opposite to modern medicine, in Ayurveda, there isn’t a specialist for every inch of our body, but a practitioner who studies how different parts of our body work together.
It is a very in depth practice and it would be impossible to cover every single aspect of it, no matter how loosely, in one article, but I have taken away my 5 favorite practices; which I believe are relevant and suitable to our lifestyle.
Implementing those daily practices can have a great impact on our health and you will surely enjoy the benefits of it:
1. Oil Pulling: Oil pulling may need a little getting used to, I will admit, but once you start it’s magical. You can use any virgin (not roasted) oil, my favorite being coconut, and the rest is quite simple.
Take a teaspoon of oil into your mouth and move it around, as you would mouthwash. The recommended time for the oil to be in your mouth is about 20 minutes. The way I fit this into my schedule is doing oil pulling whilst in the shower; between getting in and drying up, 20 minutes are surely gone. Yes this will impact you signing; but guarantees great oral hygiene. After 20 minutes you can spit the oil in a bin, not in the sink. Oil kind of makes everything sticky and overtime you would have clogged the plumbing. The oil will be a yellowish color; that is because all the toxins in your mouth are “pulled” away with it (hence oil pulling). Bonus: over time expect your teeth to be whiter.
2. Tongue scraping: We brush our teeth daily but most people seem to forget about their tongues. Our tongues are incredibly important, toxins and bacteria accumulate on it quite rapidly during the day. A lot of problem with bad breath comes from a very toxic tongue. Tongue scrapers are available in most drug stores and are very cheap. You really do not need a fancy one. I think I got mine for about £3 ($5) and it lasts forever. The way to use it is easy: Brush your teeth as normal and then before using mouthwash, scrape your tongue going from the back to the front. Do not start too far back into your mouth, as you could stimulate your gag reflex, and never push the scraper backwards; you do not want the toxins to go back into your system. This is such an amazing practice, your mouth will feel squeaky clean and this is particularly great for smokers. Another amazing bonus is that, tongue scraping can actually help with cravings as you remove any residual taste from your mouth.
3. Massage your body: Daily massages are an essential in Ayurvedic medicine. On my trip to India, last year, I visited an Ayurvedic doctor and when we discussed body care, massages were on top of the list. Obviously in Ayurveda, there are dozens of oils made from herbs; which are meant for any body part. Safe to say I came back with about 30 bottles, one, which was great for the whole body, and others, which aimed at specific body parts. I am not saying that you need to stock your cupboards with 30 bottles of oils; but my advice is that you take care of your body by allowing yourself 10 minutes of self massaging right after your shower and, when you can, allow yourself to go for a professional 60 minutes rub. When it comes to massages I certainly believe you need to find the right therapist, as energy is a key component of being able to relax and heal. Massaging regularly will allow your circulation to get better and you are also helping your lymphatic system getting rid of toxins from your body. Not bad hey?
4. Support your digestive system: in Ayurvedic medicine, as it is in functional medicine, the gut plays a key role in keeping a healthy body and immune system. The key here is to make sure you “go” before you ingest anything at all. Morning evacuation is key as the gut should be ready to expel all the toxins and waste from the day before. In order to heal your gut and allow your body to do what it needs to, there are several tips. In Ayurvedic medicine, there is a selection of digestive herbs that one can take in the morning. I tried some for a short while after coming back from India and they really did help regulate my whole system and I now no longer take them. But what if you have no access to an Ayurvedic doctor? Drinking warm water with lemon or better yet, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar normally does the trick. Both are very alkalizing and apple cider vinegar stimulates the good bacteria in the gut too. Bonus of this practice? You will enjoy your breakfast without feeling full and bloated and moreover, you will enjoy some wonderful weight loss!
5. Meditate daily: Even more powerful than body care, is mind care! A clean mind is the key to healthy living. We definitively live in a very spiritually and mentally polluted environment and meditation is the best cleansing mechanism one can find. There are a variety of meditative techniques available to the public. Some are free while others are available for a fee. Wherever you are at, you can start with paying attention to your breath for about 10 minutes a day by sitting comfortably and clearing your mind. This practice will calm your entire parasympathetic system and will allow you to make better decision, cope with stress in a calm manner and, it has a wonderfully positive ripple effect on your whole body! Meditation gets better with time so do not worry if at the beginning you feel that your thoughts are taking over. When I started, my mind was busier than 5th Avenue, so I am quite confident you will get there.
Those great tips will change your life for the better; I can ensure you. I never regret spending time doing any of those things and in fact, when I skip a day or two I feel it! This is the most personal feedback I can possibly give you. It worked for me, a person who was very toxic and out of balance, and helped me find the right path again! I am forever thankful to Ayurveda and there is so much more to it that can be discovered and applied!