About: Thinking Man
Thinking Man

Allow me to introduce myself:
This is Thinking Man, we are men who do not wish to be stereotyped and wish to express our individual thoughts as human beings, who are male.
This is Thinking Man, we are men who do not wish to be stereotyped and wish to express our individual thoughts as human beings, who are male.
What I do:
We seek to challenge the misconceptions that profoundly affect our daily lives.
We seek to challenge the misconceptions that profoundly affect our daily lives.
A little bit about me:
We seek to highlight and share knowledge for everyone to grow.
We seek to highlight and share knowledge for everyone to grow.
My Passion:
Expressing men's issue in a clear and fair way.
Expressing men's issue in a clear and fair way.
What Drives Me:
Knowledge and justice.
Knowledge and justice.
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